Jordan's Insightsalamo World Geography


Economy of Jordan

The “upper-middle income” country of Jordan, as classified from the National Bank, boasts a GDP of $40 billion per year with growth rate of 2.6% per annum. However, Jordan Kingdom has a well-diversified economy from trade, finance, communications, transportation, mining, constructions, public utilities, and tourism. Jordan’s official currency is the Jordanian Dinar, which has almost fixed exchange rate towards other foreign currencies like US Dollar or Euro (1 Dinar = 1.43 USD).

Jordan's Insights Alamo World Geography Resources

Due to Jordan’s well-built infrastructure and value of its cultural heritage, tourism has become one of the most important elements and sources of the national income. The reason is that Tourism represents an important source of hard currency, which helps Jordan to enhance and grow the trade sector as well as to increase national production. It’s working effectively on usage of facilities and services, which leads directly into rate increasing of employment. Beside that it is also helps in use of tourist facilities that are managed, operated and developed by the private and governmental associations.

  • Jordan - Geography Jordan. The territory of Jordan covers about 91,880 square kilometers. Until 1988, when King Hussein relinquished Jordan's claim to the West Bank, that area was considered part of Jordan, although only officially recognized as such by Britain and Pakistan.
  • GEOGRAPHY B – Component 1: Investigating Geographical Issues: TUESDAY, 22: MAY 2018 – AFTERNOON 1 hour 45 minutes: Candidate Number: 0: 2. 02: Examiner only.

Jordan's Insights Alamo World Geography Textbook

Jul 04, 2018 The “Rose City” is a honeycomb of hand-hewn caves, temples, and tombs carved from blushing pink sandstone in the high desert of Jordan some 2,000 years ago. Hidden by time and shifting sand.