Unit 6 Learningmr Volkmar's Course Pages

Welcome to the eLearning page. The eLearning community provides students with the opportunity to learn & earn credit for coursework through independent study in an online environment. It is exciting to offer this option to you!

Unit 6 learning mr volkmarPages

Unit 3.1 Mobile Fieldtrip Unit 3.2 Photo Project. Andrew Burklund. asburklund@gmail.com. Learning Management System (LMS) User Login Pages. All state employees have an LMS account. For more information on employee accounts, click here to view SOV LINC: Lead. If you are not a state employee and would like an LMS account, please click on our registration page. Please allow 2-3 business days for your. Mr Volkmar's Course Pages. Home AP Psychology. Week of April 13th-17th Learning and Altered States Unit Assignments and Resources due Friday April 17th.

There are specific policies and procedures that must be followed in the online program. It is YOUR responsibility to be familiar with these policies. You can use this website to remind yourself of the policies if you forget.

FAQ’s, Myths, and Realities about e-Learning:

1. Taking an e-Learning class is easier than taking a traditional class.

** e-Learning is NOT the “easy way out”. In fact, for some students they find the e-Learning environment to be more difficult than the traditional classroom. You are forced to be a self-starter and to keep yourself focused and on task. This can be difficult for some students.

2. I will not get any support by teachers by taking an e-Learning class.

** As the classroom teacher, my job is to facilitate your experience as an e-Learning student. I will not be provided direct instruction as many of you will be taking different online courses in the same classroom. However, I will provide you with as much help as I can. If I cannot help you with your course work (math) then I will put you in contact with someone who can.

Unit 6 Learning Mr Volkmar's Course Pages Page

3. How do I access my class?

**The e-Learning class is taken on the Apex website (www.apexvs.com). I will get you login information and a password during our second day of class. Each day you will log in and will be able work independently on your own pace on your curriculum.

4. What is key to success in e-Learning?

**Mr. Craft’s secret to success in e-Learning is GRIT. The students who come to class everyday with their hard hats on and work hard do very well in the course. They students who waste time and fail to complete small portions of their coursework everyday do not do well in the course.

5. Can I finish my class before the end of the semester?

**You have the ability to conclude this course at your own pace. If you work hard and do work outside of class you can finish a semester course in a quarter or less. When you complete that course you will then have the option of taking another e-Learning class OR taking a pass period. On the other hand, some students do carry over their work from first semester class to the second semester. This is not suggested though as you will now be behind.

6. What kind of work will be done in the class?

**Most classes are set up in a way that you will be completing quizzes, tests, and written work. The quizzes will all be graded online and you will receive immediate feedback. You MUST receive at minimum a 70% on each quiz and test in order to be moved forward on the course. IF you do not receive the 70% on the quiz on the first attempt you will need to show Mr. Craft all the practice assignments for the unit before it will be unlocked. The written work comes in two categories; graded work and non-graded work. The graded work will be turned into me and returned to you after being graded. The non-graded work will be used by you when you take your quizzes and tests. Again, IF you do not pass a quiz or test you will need to show me ALL of the non-graded work of that unit to get the quiz re-set.

7. What will the class climate look like?

**While you are working on your own and at your own pace there will be rules and regulations that need to be followed to ensure that everyone has a chance to be successful in the course.

A. Food and Drink: There will be NO food or drink in the computer lab.

B. Internet Usage: The internet can be used to search for answers and research topics pertaining to your course work. It CANNOT be used for other uses (i.e. games, web surfing, etc)

C. Cell Phones & Headphones: Because many of us work well while listening to music and because many of the units use video and audio headphones will be allowed in the class. Cell phones can be used ONLY to play music. If you are caught using your phone for texting the normal school policy will be followed and it will be confiscated.

8. Can I work on any part of my course work that I want?

**No. In order to move onto the next part of your course you need to pass ALL of the previous quizzes. IF you fail a quiz I will NOT unlock that quiz until all graded written work is turned in. In other words…do things in order. They are in order for a reason and doing them in that sequence will help you succeed.

Unit 6 Learningmr Volkmar's Course Pages

Unit 6 Learningmr Volkmar

9. What about tests? Are they treated the same as a quiz?

**Tests are treated a little different that quizzes. Unit Tests remain locked until I unlock them. Again, in order for me to unlock a test ALL assignments for that unit need to be complete. When you are “ready” for a test you need to ask me to unlock it. Being “ready” means you’ve completed all assignments, have studied the material, and are confident that you will pass the test. You will ONLY be able to take each unit exam ONCE. All exams must be taken in the classroom!!

10. Any other hints you can provide, Mr. Craft??

**Glad you asked…here are a few major pointers to make you eLearning experience successful…

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A. Keep an organized notebook of all your work! You will be able to access that notebook when you take quizzes and complete assignments. You are more likely to do well if you keep you work organized.
B. Take notes and do the ungraded assignments (study guides).
C. DO NOT skip material. Scroll all the way through screens and read the require links.
D. Ask for help when you need it!! That is why I get paid the big bucks.
E. YOU are in charge of your OWN LEARNING!! Be an active learner. Click on the link below to read about the difference between an active and a passive learner. ActiveVSpassive