Windows 10 Update Sleep

Lot of users are experiencing this weird problem. Their windows 10 laptop even in sleep mode is getting restarted for making the changes into account for updates. Now, this can be problematic as many user while travelling keep their laptops in sleep mode and in this case, they have no control on their PC, as it will reboot and will be turned on and will keep eating battery in the process, which they haven’t expected in sleep mode. Now let us see how to fix this problem.

Their windows 10 laptop even in sleep mode is getting restarted for making the changes into account for updates. Now, this can be problematic as many user while travelling keep their laptops in sleep mode and in this case, they have no control on their PC, as it will reboot and will be turned on and will keep eating battery in the process. The short answer is NO! The moment your PC goes into Sleep Mode, it enters into a low power mode & all operations go on hold. Making your system fall asleep while it’s installing Windows 10 Updates is not recommended. In the worst-case scenario, doing such things could corrupt your Windows OS, and you might have to reinstall it.

Method 1 – Solve windows 10 rebooting in sleep mode

Step 1 – Press windows key + i to reach system control pane.

Step 2 – Click on update & security

Windows 10 Update Sleep Not Working

Step 3 – Now, click on Advanced options.

Step 4 – Now, select Notify to schedule restart as the option here.

Method 2 – Fix windows 10 reboots in sleep mode

Step 1 – Search Task Scheduler in the windows 10 taskbar.


Sleep Command Windows 10

Step 2 – Browse to the followoing location path from the left menu.

Task Scheduler Library –> Microsoft –> Windows –> UpdateOrchestrator

Now, Double click on Reboot as shown in the pic below. Click on conditions tab and then uncheck the option which says wake the computer to run this task.


Now, your reboot task will never wake up your oc from hibernation stage to run itself. That means your pc will not wake up to reboot itself in case of updates.

Saurav is associated with IT industry and computers for more than a decade and is writing on The Geek Page on topics revolving on windows 10 and softwares.

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